Build errors with Cinder Vulkan using MoltenVK

I cloned the brenwill Cinder repo:

git clone --recursive

and built Cinder:

cd xcode

During installation, I got this error:

ld: file not found: /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/xcode/build/
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

After this error, I get the messages that a series of build commands failed, all in this vein:

The following build commands failed:
	CompileC build/ /Khronos/SPIRV/glslang/glslang-bw/glslang/GenericCodeGen/CodeGen.cpp normal x86_64 c++
	CompileC build/ /Khronos/SPIRV/glslang/glslang-bw/glslang/MachineIndependent/Initialize.cpp normal x86_64 c++
	CompileC build/ /Khronos/SPIRV/glslang/glslang-bw/glslang/MachineIndependent/intermOut.cpp normal x86_64 c++

When I try to run the only xcode sample, FishTornado, I get the error:

No such file or directory: '../../../../lib/libcinder.a'

when running on release configuration and a similar message for '../../../../lib/libcinder_d.a' when trying to run in degub configuration because of course I don’t have these files.

I then tried running

xcodebuild -project cinder.xcodeproj -target cinder -configuration Debug

and got the error

ld: file not found: /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/xcode/build/
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Libtool /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/lib/libcinder_d.a normal x86_64
cd /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/xcode
/Applications/ -static -arch_only x86_64 -syslibroot /Applications/ -L/Users/mtomasello/Cinder/lib -filelist /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/xcode/build/ -framework AppKit -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL -framework QTKit -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreGraphics -framework ApplicationServices -framework ScreenSaver -framework AudioToolbox -framework AudioUnit -framework CoreAudio -o /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/lib/libcinder_d.a
error: /Applications/ can't open file: /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/xcode/build/ (No such file or directory)
The following build commands failed:
	CompileC build/ /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/src/cinder/vk/Surface.cpp normal x86_64 c++
	MasterObjectLink build/
	Libtool /Users/mtomasello/Cinder/lib/libcinder_d.a normal x86_64

What am I missing?