Accessing Custom Attributes on VBO Mesh from GLSL

I’m trying to revive an ancient work that used OpenGL 2.0, and am just getting my head around the changes to using VBOMeshes. I can access all the standard attributes (ciPosition etc) thanks to this post:

This is really helpful, but how do I access the custom variables (ie CUSTOM_0 - CUSTOM_9)?
I have tried in float ciCustom0 in the shader but just get the following error:

warning void cinder::gl::VboMesh::buildVao(const cinder::gl::GlslProg *, const AttribGlslMap &)[500] Batch GlslProg expected an Attrib of USER_DEFINED, with name ciCustom0 but vertex data doesn’t provide it.

I have set up my Layout as follows:

vector<gl::VboMesh::Layout> bufferLayout = {
            gl::VboMesh::Layout().usage( GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ).attrib( geom::Attrib::POSITION, 3 ),
            gl::VboMesh::Layout().usage( GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ).attrib( geom::Attrib::COLOR, 4 ),
            gl::VboMesh::Layout().usage( GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW ).attrib( geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, 1 )

So does this not bind to ciCustom0 in the same way as the other inbuilt attributes?


Have a look at the 3rd argument to the gl::GlslProg constructor. It allows you to provide an AttribMapping which maps a geom::Attrib to a string for the name of the attribute in the shader.

Something like (typed inline and not tested)

auto shader = gl::GlslProg::create ( vert, frag, { { geom::Attrib::CUSTOM_0, "aSomeAttribute" } } );

then in your shader

in vec4 aSomeAttribute; // or whatever the type is

Actually, the attribute mapping is the 3rd parameter of gl::Batch::create(), not gl::GlslProg::create().

Alternatively, you can specify the name as follows:

auto vert = loadAsset("shader.vert");
auto frag = loadAsset("shader.frag");
auto format = gl::GlslProg::Format().vertex( vert )
                                    .fragment( frag )
                                    .attrib( geom::CUSTOM_0, "aSomeAttribute" );
auto shader = gl::GlslProg::create( format );

The custom attributes are often used to pass per instance data when rendering thousands of instances in one draw call. The attribute would then contain a color, position, orientation, scale or a transform matrix. See here for an example.


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perfect, thanks! this clears it up perfectly.