I have a classic blur application using two fbo’s and blurring horizontal en vertical in two passes.
Made a little demo here.
Everything is clear and works wel except calculating the alpha values for the edges.
Currently I calculate the alpha same way as the RGB which is probably the problem.
Did google it a bit but non of the solutions was working anybody have a clue or direction where I should search?
#version 150
out vec4 oColor;
in vec4 Color;
uniform sampler2D uTex0;
in vec2 TexCoord;
uniform vec2 sampleOffset;
float weights[21];
void main( void )
//vec4 text1 = texture( uTex0, TexCoord.st );
weights[0] = 0.0091679276560113852;
weights[1] = 0.014053461291849008;
weights[2] = 0.020595286319257878;
weights[3] = 0.028855245532226279;
weights[4] = 0.038650411513543079;
weights[5] = 0.049494378859311142;
weights[6] = 0.060594058578763078;
weights[7] = 0.070921288047096992;
weights[8] = 0.079358891804948081;
weights[9] = 0.084895951965930902;
weights[10] = 0.086826196862124602;
weights[11] = 0.084895951965930902;
weights[12] = 0.079358891804948081;
weights[13] = 0.070921288047096992;
weights[14] = 0.060594058578763092;
weights[15] = 0.049494378859311121;
weights[16] = 0.0386504115135431;
weights[17] = 0.028855245532226279;
weights[18] = 0.020595286319257885;
weights[19] = 0.014053461291849008;
weights[20] = 0.00916792765601138;
vec4 sum = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0 );
vec2 baseOffset = -10.0 * sampleOffset;
vec2 offset = vec2( 0.0, 0.0 );
for( int s = 0; s < 21; ++s ) {
vec4 c = texture( uTex0, TexCoord.st + baseOffset + offset ) * weights[s];
sum += c;
offset += sampleOffset;
oColor = sum;