Extended ascii json & xml

I try to use extended ascii with json and xml parsing.
When I get string value I have twice character for special character

Twice character :

Instead of :

See after 127 :

Special character begin with 194 or 195 !

I’m looking for a simply solution !

Something that :

string toAscciExt(const string& str)
	stringstream ss;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; i++)
		if (i < str.length() -1) {
			if (str[i] == char(195)) {
				ss << (char)(str[i + 1] + 64);
			else if (str[i] == char(194)) {
				ss << (char)str[i + 1];
			else {
				ss << str[i];
		else {
			ss << str[i];
	return ss.str();