I am having a weird problem.
Although I can get FlickrImageViewer sample to work correctly, I can’t make fetchTexture work with URLs and ImGui. What I mean is that the code below:
thumbnailFile = ph::fetchTexture("C:/Users/LightAct/Pictures/someGrass.jpg");
thumbnail = ph::fetchTexture("http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3891/14864055860_0ff8a4f458_b.jpg");
ImGui::Image(thumbnail, ImVec2(64, 64));
if (thumbnailFile)
ImGui::Image(thumbnailFile, ImVec2(64, 64));
produces this:
Where the grey thumbnail should be the same as the second image, because the URL image is the same as someGrass.jpg.
If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
UPDATE: I wanted to confirm whether it might be some sort of ImGui problem and it is not. I drew both textures as shown below:
and the result was the same. The one downloaded from URL was grey-ish and the one from File was OK.