I need to make some modifications in CinderNativeActivity, Camera etc classes. I see they come within the libcinder-release.aar, libcinder-debug.aar archives, which are not rebuilt during regular cinder build.
At current you need to open the Android Studio project that is here (will soon be moved to the proj/android/ folder as part of a larger reorganization of project files) and build using Android Studio’s gradle support.
I agree though, ideally we can find a way to run the gradle build from cmake. I did a bit of research around this and it seems feasible to run gradle with command line arguments as a post build step, it would require someone with a bit more knowledge of gradle than myself though, to do it correctly.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'libcinder_java'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
> Could not find org.libcinder.gradle:cinderappbuild:1.0.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
EDIT: I’ve commented out pretty much everything in the exampleapp, so now I can build libcinder-debug.aar and libcinder-release.aar, however it looks like the compiled libs are missing everything, the size is only 11K(cinder libs are 80K) also when I run the gradlew it always build both aar files no mater what assemble option I use.