What's the from zero to hero path to becoming competent in Cinder?

Was browsing through old posts, as one does, and this one seems relevant as I’ve made several posts similar to it in the past…

I stumbled onto this on the openframeworks forum and it really peaked my interest. I love the format - A simple gist, with code, that explains a concept relative to oF: https://gist.github.com/roymacdonald/5a91380ca9ac2404f46f3625b5d514d1

I thought it’d be a great way to do something similar for Cinder. Maybe a GitHub repo that multiple people can contribute to? It’s my plan, though granted it has been for quite a while, to do something similar for personal reasons to help concretize my own understanding of certain topics. Not sure if anyone would be interested in contributing to this, but I’ll post when I eventually get round to actually doing it!

I know a few people, myself included a while back, attempted to port the learnopengl.com exercises to Cinder - I feel like it’d be helpful for many, myself included, if this was easily accessible / archived… In fact here’s a link to a similar thread (Implementing Learnopengl.com with Cinder? )

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