Applying a shader to a texture after gl::draw?


I’m currently working on a project that takes in n number of videos, slices them up into squares and draws them at somewhat random positions on the screen.

Basic movie loading, getting texture(s) from each movie and drawing using gl::draw

qtime::MovieGlRef movie = qtime::MovieGl::create (path);

movieTexture = movie->getTexture();

gl::draw (movieTexture, src, dest);

Everything is looking and performing somewhat as expected, playing 10 videos at once is taking about 28-30% CPU on my Macbook Pro (2.3 GHz i7 w/ a GeForce GT 750M) (4 year old Macbook) on a debug build.

I’m at a point now where I’d like to add a shader and apply it to the texture(s) that are being drawn… Just trying to understand how cinder::gl/OpenGL work. My OpenGL plumbing chops are a bit rusty (currently reading lots of bits and pieces online and digging into “the” OpenGL book).

So my question is:

  1. Can a shader be applied to a texture after it is drawn using gl::draw ?
  2. I’m currently looking at gl::draw (const Texture2dRef &texture, const Area &srcArea, const Rectf &dstRect) implementation and from what I understand if I wanted to add a shader to a texture I would basically need to roll my own version of gl::drawTexture which would have my custom shader in addition to what the original IMPL is doing.

Also where is this “stock” shader located? Is it baked in to the library binary as text or is it generated on the fly? Going to dig a little more for it.

I obviously have lot more to take in and wrap my head around to understand how things actually get bound/drawn etc. so any help would be appreciated.


  1. No, but that doesn’t matter, because
  2. You can use a stock shader, your texture, and gl::drawSolidRect() to achieve what you need.

The stock shaders are generated based on a gl::ShaderDef() and are cached in the gl context. To have a look at what they can generate, try passing different gl::ShaderDef()s to the generation functions:

auto def = gl::ShaderDef().color().lambert();
auto vs = gl::env()->generateVertexShader( def );
auto fs = gl::env()->generateFragmentShader( def );

std::cout << vs << "\n===\n" << fs << std::endl;

To do what you need, you’ll have to do something like:

    // gl::TextureRef movieTexture comes from your video
    Rectf destRect { 0, 0, 320, 240 };
    Area sourceArea { 0, 0, 160, 120 };
    Rectf uvs = movieTexture->getAreaTexCoords( sourceArea );
    gl::ScopedGlslProg shader ( gl::getStockShader ( gl::ShaderDef().texture( movieTexture ) ) );
    gl::ScopedTextureBind tex0 ( movieTexture );
    gl::drawSolidRect( destRect, uvs.getUpperLeft(), uvs.getLowerRight() );

Your uvs might need to have their y components swapped if it comes in upside down. Also note that i’ve wrapped it in its own scope so that the gl::Scoped* classes can do their thing. This is also a prime candidate for instancing, where you can draw all the rectangles at once by providing an index into a texture array as a custom attribute, but i suggest you only worry about that if / when performance becomes an issue.

Hope it helps,


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@lithium thanks for the reply, very helpful.

generateVertexShader() and generateFragmentShader() are very useful.

Wrote a test that switches between gl::drawSolidRect using a shader and gl::draw and it works just fine.

if (useCustomShader) {
    gl::ScopedGlslProg shader (gl::getStockShader (gl::ShaderDef().texture (txtr_)));    
    gl::ScopedTextureBind tex0 (txtr_, 0);
    const Rectf uvs = txtr_->getAreaTexCoords (src.getInteriorArea());
    gl::drawSolidRect (dest, uvs.getUpperLeft(), uvs.getLowerRight());
else {
    gl::draw (txtr_, src.getInteriorArea(), dest);

But as soon as I try to add my own custom shader I get a black screen.

glsl in setup()

glsl = gl::GlslProg::create (gl::GlslProg::Format()
.vertex (CI_GLSL (150,
    uniform mat4 ciModelViewProjection;

    in vec4 ciPosition;
    in vec2 ciTexCoord0;
    out highp vec2 TexCoord;
    void main( void ) {
        gl_Position = ciModelViewProjection * ciPosition;
        TexCoord = ciTexCoord0;
.fragment (CI_GLSL (150,
    out vec4 oColor;
    uniform sampler2D uTex0;
    in vec2	TexCoord;
    void main( void ) {
        oColor = vec4 (1) * texture (uTex0,;


if (useShader) {
    gl::ScopedGlslProg shader (glsl);
    glsl->uniform ("uTex0", 0);
    gl::ScopedTextureBind tex0 (txtr_, 0);
    const Rectf uvs = txtr_->getAreaTexCoords (src.getInteriorArea());
    gl::drawSolidRect (dest, uvs.getUpperLeft(), uvs.getLowerRight());
else {
    gl::draw (txtr_, src.getInteriorArea(), dest);

This is because quicktime uses the texture target GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE rather than GL_TEXTURE_2D. In your shader, change uTex0 to be of type sampler2DRect and you should be fine.

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@lithium thanks, that was it.