Bonjour/Zeroconf event handling within a loop

hello everybody, I am quite new to Cinder but I am loving it :slight_smile: so maybe my question could look trivial but any help is very welcome.
so I need to find the IPAddress of the Kyma hardware via Bonjour/Zeroconf. I am good at handling the Bonjour/Zeroconf framework with a C select()loop or using the CFNetowrk and Cocoa APIs. but it is not clear yet what would be the best option inside a Cinder sketch. do I have a to create multiple threads? or is there any other convenient way to have loop and asynchronous calls?
thank you.

In the past I’ve run things like this with callbacks that run on the main thread via the app’s io_service. Here’s a very dirty example but it demonstrates the mechanisms involved, i.e std::thread, cinder Signals, async posting to an io_service etc.

#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/Rand.h"

using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;

std::mutex kLogMutex;
{ \
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{kLogMutex};\
    std::cout << x << std::endl;\

struct SomeFakeService
    SomeFakeService ( )
    : _thread ( [=] { ThreadedFunc(); } )
        SHITTY_THREADSAFE_LOG("Starting Threaded Service");
    ~SomeFakeService ( )
        if ( _thread.joinable() ) _thread.join();
        SHITTY_THREADSAFE_LOG("Killing Threaded Service");
    signals::Signal<void(int)> OnSomeEvent;
    std::atomic_bool Running{true};
    void ThreadedFunc ( )
        while ( Running )
            // Simulate some latency
            std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds ( randInt(10, 2000) ) );
            int someValue = randInt(1, 100);
            SHITTY_THREADSAFE_LOG("Sending " << someValue << " from thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() );
            // Emit callback on the main thread on the next call to App::update()
            App::get()->dispatchAsync( [=] { OnSomeEvent.emit( someValue ); } );
    std::thread _thread;

class TestApp : public App
    SomeFakeService service;
    void setup ( ) override
        service.OnSomeEvent.connect( [=] ( int someValue )
            assert ( app::isMainThread() );
            SHITTY_THREADSAFE_LOG("Received " << someValue << " back on the main thread: " << std::this_thread::get_id() );
        } );
    void draw ( ) override { gl::clear(); };
    void cleanup ( ) override { service.Running = false; }

CINDER_APP ( TestApp, RendererGl() );
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thanks Lithium, it was really helpful! you are the best :slight_smile: