F3 - Live Code 3D Form (w/ GLSL & SDFs) Made with Cinder

Hi Cinder Community!

I recently released F3, short for Form From Function, a mac app that allows you to live coding 3D form using GLSL shaders. F3 is built on top of Cinder and OpenVDB, its really great for making all types of gnarly shapes and forms! Also really fun and flow inducing.

Overview / tour of F3:

Gifs of App:

Live Coding:

Tons of Primitives & CSG provided:

Tons of Examples to learn from:

For more information: http://www.syedrezaali.com/f3-mac-app/

I want to thank the community for making Cinder so amazing and robust. I couldn’t have make F3 without all the support and built in awesomeness that Cinder provides. Through making F3, I made a couple blocks that I’m happy to share if there is interest in

  1. OpenVDB Block
  2. STL Writer Block
  3. OBJ Writer Block (has hooks for scaling upon writing)
  4. SaveLoadCamera
  5. SaveLoadWindow

If anyone wants to take it for a spin, I have 5 promo codes so you can download it for free! Ping me: syed.reza.ali@gmail.com

Cheers, Reza


All the promo codes are gone! To those who got them, I hope you can share your thoughts here!

Looks super interesting! I’ve been playing with OpenVDB recently and would love to see your block for it. Did you write your own SDF functions for this or if it something like hg_sdf? Good stuff.


Thanks Charlie :slight_smile:

Here is the block: https://github.com/rezaali/Cinder-OpenVDB

Regarding the sdf functions, I derived most of them and on occasion had some help from shadertoy.com! Hope the block helps! OpenVDB can be a pain to get compiled and running!

1 Like

That´s pretty awesome reza! both the app and the block!

thanks for sharing it!

Thank you @hperigo, happy to share! Excited to see what else people do with it.

Love it. Is that ciUI in action?

I really like your approach to exposing UI parameters as comments after uniforms too.

Thanks! The UI there is https://github.com/rezaali/Cinder-UI

Yeah, definitely helps you search your design space faster!

Here is the block I wrote for extracting params from comments: