Has anyone tried to integrate ISF shader format into Cinder? Something like https://github.com/satoruhiga/ofxISF ?
Thanks in advance
Has anyone tried to integrate ISF shader format into Cinder? Something like https://github.com/satoruhiga/ofxISF ?
Thanks in advance
Hey kashik, as a matter of fact I’ve been working on making an ISF Cinder block along with a stab at having a live code editor with it using the (now native) ImGui. I followed the structure of Vidvox’s own https://github.com/mrRay/VVISF-GL/tree/master/VVISF but ditched the GL stuff because Cinder already provides those. Hopefully it’ll be ready in the next week or two becaus I’m busy with some other stuff. Will put a link here when it’s done
Hello Kino! Amazing timing I see thank you for your work. I’m now going deep into fragment programming and some things are easier using that format and stacking them together. Let’s keep talking and say something when it is done, I’ll download right away
I support ISF format in my app by parsing the shader text
@Kino good news?