Running on a Rapberry PI 4 [solved]

Hi Kris,

A couple of months ago I got my hands very briefly on an RPi4 and tried out building Cinder with success. Here is a screenshot that I took back then of the Deferred sample running on device.

You basically need to 2 things as far as I remember for this to work. First would be to install the X dependencies ( along with the standard RPi3 dependencies ) which are not part of Cinder’s RPi guide currently:

sudo apt install libxrandr-dev \
libxinerama-dev \

Second would be to use Cinder’s es3 GL target when building the library and/or samples:

cmake .. -DCINDER_TARGET_GL=es3

I believe these should be the only two things needed in order to get up and running on the default RPi4 setup.

Hope this helps,