Hey Paul,
sorry for the misunderstanding. I call it a framework, as it is hardware, an OS, some tools and apps.
Not really a media server like a Hippotizer or a Watchout. It’s supposed to do, what those media servers do for you, except it does that for your own application.
Tooloop will happily run most Linux applications, as it still is a standard Ubuntu.
The things it’s missing are stuff like services and bloat, you don’t need or – in our case – want.
Things like a dock, a notification center, support for 1000 printers, a web server etc.
You can install an IDE on it and simply develop on the machine. However, that’s not a very comfortable environment. There’s no file viewer, for instance.
You can thus do both
- install the stuff you need to turn it into a development machine
- use another machine to develop and just copy over
My workflow using multimedia frameworks
Kivy (Python) and Processing (Java) are interpreted languages.
I develop on my Mac, then check out the code from a local GIT to the Tooloop Box to see whether it’s running there, as well.
openFrameworks (C++) is cross platform as well, but of course, needs to be re-compiled. Apart from that, it’s the same: check out, re-compile.
Dependencies and build stuff can be installed using the optional installer.
There is no install script for Cinder just yet. This – so I hope – will be an outcome of this discussion, so we’d have one more framework on the list 
For Unity I, too, develop on my Mac. It can export for Linux and just works.
Making your app a Tooloop App
To play well with Tooloop OS, you should follow some simple conventions, e. g. writing start and stop scripts that the OS can use to launch your app.
You could also turn your app into an app bundle. This way it can be installed using the app center.
There’s no documentation for it just yet, but you can also add custom controller in the settings server so you can use it to configure stuff in your app. See controller.py
and settings.html
in the Kiosk example on GitHub, if you want to have a look.
Still shameless
Hope this post could help you to get started.
Damn, writing this I notice how much stuff there is to tell, or in other words how shabby the ducomentation still is. It’s early in the project and it’s been a one man show so far.
This is what this all is about – getting people involved so we can build a platform we can simply use and stop hacking windows. Yes, I’ve done this, too. A lot. Never again.
In that way I kind of am shamelessly advertising my own framework, sorry 
links to documentation removed so the post doesn’t get marked as spam