Looking for some guidance on how Android Apps are built

Yes I’ve been reading about Android Studio’s new CMake support (here and here), very promising! Actually, in order to rebuild libcinder entirely for android, the current setup requires you to do two steps - 1) build libcinder.a using cmake from the command line and 2) open up the android studio / gradle project (in this folder) and build the libcinder-[debug/release].aar files that end up here. This second step is not currently necessary because we’ve checked in the .aar binary files, but obviously this isn’t ideal.

Which got me thinking, would it be possible to combine both these steps into the Android Studio build process now? Initially I had hoped we could build the .aar files from the main cmake file, but seeing that Android Studio now has decent support for hybrid java + C++ projects using CMake, I wonder if we couldn’t manage both from Android Studio. It’d sure be nice to be able to remove those .aar files, as currently it’s a bit obscure how you need to go about modifying libcinder’ java stuff.

Unfortunately I can’t see the internals of cinderappbuild-1.0.jar, but hopefully it’s not doing any magic

Hm, not sure what cinderappbuild-1.0.jar is, that might be something related to the custom gradle plug-in? In any event, might be best to start with a fresh java + C++ template from the latest Android Studio version, and then reference the existing CMakeLists.txt files that come with the samples, for example. To me that’d be ideal setup for android user apps, anyway. And, fingers crossed, debugging C++ with LLDB would finally work.