Can I use a traditional "game loop" with Cinder instead of the default draw() and update() functions?

I want to be able to make a small physics engine and will need access to the FPS and to be able to change it. From my experience, I feel like I would need it this way, unless there is a work-around.

Why don’t you run your physics in a secondary thread? You don’t want to render your physics faster than vsync (likely 60fps) anyway so running cinder’s loop unbounded is just wasteful. gl::enableVerticalSync(false) and settings->setFrameRate(10000); will do it, though.

If you insist on using the main thread, have a look at how the update and draw calls are implemented in the App classes and just reimplement what you need, but this seems like a code smell to me.


I’d suggest to simply disableFrameRate() in your setup and then go for the excellent method described by Glenn Fiedler in his Fix Your Timestep article.



Thanks for the article(s). They are very informative! I should have found these sooner.

I am having some trouble implementing this. I looked at the App and AppMsw and didn’t find any useful information. Are there any examples I should take a look at?


here’s some code to get you up to speed:

class YourApp : public App {
    void setup() override;
    void update() override;
    void draw() override;

    void simulate( double elapsed );

    double mSlowMotion = 1.0;
    bool   mIsPaused = false;
    bool   mFixedTimeStep = true;

void YourApp::setup()
    // This will disable the frame rate limiter of Cinder.

    // This will disable vertical sync, causing tearing but allowing the fastest frame rate.
    gl::enableVerticalSync( false );

void YourApp::update()
    // Use a fixed time step for a steady 60 updates per second.
    static const double timestep = 1.0 / 60.0;
    static double       time = getElapsedSeconds();
    static double       accumulator = 0.0;

    // Calculate elapsed time since last frame.
    const double elapsed = getElapsedSeconds() - time;
    time += elapsed;

    // Simulate your physics using a fixed time step.
    if( mFixedTimeStep ) {
        accumulator = glm::min( accumulator + elapsed, 0.1 );

        while( accumulator >= timestep ) {
            simulate( mIsPaused ? 0.0 : timestep * mSlowMotion );        

            accumulator -= timestep;
    else {
        accumulator = 0.0;

        simulate( mIsPaused ? 0.0 : elapsed * mSlowMotion );

void simulate( double elapsed )
    // do your physics in here, 'elapsed' is the time since the previous simulation step in seconds

void YourApp::draw()
    // draw your graphics here

After working with @paul.houx on a project a while back and using his fixed timestep setup, I created a class that does this, which I’ve since used in just about every project I’ve worked on:

Supports a couple nice things like pausing, seeking time, and disabling fixed timestep. Use it like this:

// in class declaration:
ma::WorldClock		mWorldClock;

void YourApp::setup()
	mWorldClock.getSignalClockStep().connect( signals::slot( this, &YourApp::updateScene ) );

void YourApp::update()
     mWorldClock.update( ci::app::getElapsedSeconds() );

void YourApp::updateScene()
	if( mScene ) {


Thanks Paul. :slight_smile: