Hello cinder universe,
I’m trying to connect to a push API on a local network that requires an initial subscription, then spits out streaming data as events occur. I’ve managed to get a version working in Python that sends the initial socket message and then instantiates a server that listens on the port targeted by the event stream. The API only accepts TCP connections, as far as I can tell. I’m trying to integrate into Cinder so that I can make use of the data coming from the API. I’ve been using the Cinder-Asio block. I’ve separated it into different apps because I got confused about how the session is handled when the app has a TcpClient and TcpServer together.
The workflow should be as follows:
- Send message over TCP telling the API I want to subscribe
- Create a TCP server to listen for data
- Process data as it arrives
I’ve been successful in sending the subscribe after creating a TCP client:
// tell the API that we're subscribing and will be listening on port 4444
if ( mSession && mSession->getSocket()->is_open() ) {
mJson.addChild( JsonTree("command", "auto_subscribe") );
mJson.addChild( JsonTree("port", 4444));
std::string mString = mJson.serialize();
mSession->write( TcpSession::stringToBuffer( mString ) );
Once I’ve done this, I know that data is being pushed because I can read it using my python script without having to send the subscription message again.
So I’m trying to create a TcpServer, listen on the desired port, and read the data. From what I understand, I shouldn’t be closing the session or canceling the server after each message is received, but I never seem to receive any data from the onRead handler, instead only the onReadComplete handler ever fires. The TcpSession appears to have a TcpSocket as a member, which I would think should be handling be used to keep the connection open, but I’m not sure if/how it does.
The console output looks as follows:
Listening on port: 3445
Read Complete
Read Complete
Read Complete
Read Complete
Here’s the full app:
#include "CinderAsio.h"
#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/Font.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/params/Params.h"
#include "cinder/Json.h"
#include "TcpServer.h"
class TcpServerApp : public ci::app::App
void draw() override;
void setup() override;
void update() override;
void subscribe();
void accept();
TcpServerRef mServer;
TcpSessionRef mSession;
TcpSocketRef mSocket;
int32_t mPort;
void onAccept( TcpSessionRef session );
void onCancel();
void onClose();
void onError( std::string err, size_t bytesTransferred );
void onRead( ci::BufferRef buffer );
void onReadComplete();
void onWrite( size_t bytesTransferred );
ci::JsonTree mJson;
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/Text.h"
#include "cinder/Utilities.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
void TcpServerApp::setup()
mPort = 3445;
mServer = TcpServer::create( io_service() );
mServer->connectAcceptEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onAccept, this );
mServer->connectCancelEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onCancel, this );
mServer->connectErrorEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onError, this );
accept(); // start listening
void TcpServerApp::update()
// App's IO_service polls automatically
void TcpServerApp::accept()
if ( mServer ) {
mServer->accept( (uint16_t)mPort );
cout << "Listening on port: " + toString( mPort ) << std::endl;
void TcpServerApp::subscribe() {
mJson.addChild( JsonTree("command", "auto_subscribe"));
mJson.addChild( JsonTree("port", 3445));
std::string mString = mJson.serialize();
mSession->write( TcpSession::stringToBuffer( mString));
void TcpServerApp::draw()
gl::clear( Colorf::black() );
void TcpServerApp::onAccept( TcpSessionRef session )
cout << "Connected" << std::endl;
mSession = session;
mSession->connectCloseEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onClose, this );
mSession->connectErrorEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onError, this );
mSession->connectReadCompleteEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onReadComplete, this );
mSession->connectReadEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onRead, this );
mSession->connectWriteEventHandler( &TcpServerApp::onWrite, this );
// subscribe();
// Start reading data from the client.
void TcpServerApp::onCancel()
cout << "Canceled" << std::endl;
void TcpServerApp::onClose()
cout <<"Disconnected" << std::endl;
void TcpServerApp::onError( string err, size_t bytesTransferred )
if ( !err.empty() ) cout <<"Error: " << err <<std::endl;
void TcpServerApp::onRead( BufferRef buffer )
cout << "reading" << std::endl;
cout<< toString( buffer->getSize() ) + " bytes read" << std::endl;
string response = TcpSession::bufferToString( buffer );
cout<< response << std::endl;
// This event is triggered when the connection is closed
// remotely.
void TcpServerApp::onReadComplete()
cout << "Read Complete" << std::endl;
// we don't want to close the connection just yet...
// mSession->close();
// mServer->cancel();
void TcpServerApp::onWrite( size_t bytesTransferred )
cout << toString( bytesTransferred ) + " bytes written" << std::endl;
// Read after writing to look for an EOF, or disconnect signal from the client.
CINDER_APP( TcpServerApp, RendererGl )
Please help!