[SOLVED] How to generate Visual Studio projects with CMake

Hi all,

I’m excited to start using CMake to generate Visual Studio projects, which seems is now possible. I have a project that compiles using CMake in OSX and linux so installed the latest CMake binary on Windows 10 x64 and tried to use CMake as I had been on other platforms but with the argument:

cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..

It was unable to find the package configuration file cinderConfig.cmake so I ran cmake .. from MY_CINDER_PATH/build, which seemed to run fine but it did not fix the issue. I assume that I don’t need to (and can’t) run make after this step as required on other platforms.

Seems I am missing a step to configure cinder for cmake on windows before I can create project files - any advice on what that step is?


Apologies, this works just fine! I missed the argument in one of the cmake commands. So you run “cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64” …" from CINDER_PATH/build and then again from your project proj/cmake/build folder. If errors you may need to delete the contents of the build folder if something was there previous.

This generates a lot more project files than tinderbox. In case someone else finds this useful, if you right click on your project in the solution and set as start up project then it will launch/debug the correct binary after building.

Would love to know if there was a way to have it respect folders and create filters for them when making project files though. It also doesn’t seem to add header files to project along with the source files even though compiles fine.